Elder’s Readings FAQs

Who are the Elders?

The Elders who are present for a person’s reading are varied and unique to each individual person. An Elder is a living physical being (in spirit form) or a spiritual (energetic) being who has specific life experience and the ability to share wisdom, through teachings. They can be living spirits of the Earth and all her people. The Elders can be Ancestors, from human lineage or people from any of your blood lineage or spiritual lineage – going all the way back to your origin.

Elders have walked a path of mastery. They have seen many challenges, trials and tribulations and learned from them. Elders take knowledge and apply it to their daily life. They have had access to other Elders, who have shared wisdom with them – and – now it is their turn to step into the sharing circle of wisdom. They have been provided the title of Elders by other Elders. They have not named themselves as an Elder. Elders have access to the space memory continuum available to all people of the Universe. They exist in accord with Universal Law, being fully fluent in Universal Principles of life.

I have been taught … When we are born – when we birth ourselves into this Earth life – we have a group of Elders who are with us and pledge to be with us our whole life, whether we are consciously aware of this or not. When we go through different transitions or challenges in life, we have Elders who are present with us, in these moments, to help guide us through. When we step into another level of our own mastery, our own self expression, we have Elders with us as we move through – helping us stay the course and reach all we are. With every new skill we develop, we have Elders present and ready to assist us, if we ask.


What is an Elders Reading?

An Elders reading is an opportunity for you to consciously connect with the Elders that are walking with you. Common features of a reading are:

  • Clarity and guidance
  • Narrative – a story telling experience, a journey, a walk with you
  • Universal principles that will help you understand where you are now
  • Teachings – direct, indirect, metaphorical
  • Information pertinent to you
  • A challenge, tasks or actions

Very often I will be told by clients that months or years later they revisited their Elders reading, receiving benefit.

The Elders acknowledge that knowledge simply for the sake of knowledge is meaningless. It is the application of the knowledge that creates wisdom. The Elders are fully aware – it is up to you – it is your choice whether or not you do the task or action suggested.

How do I book an Elder’s Reading?
  1. Be sure you know what your intent is – why you want to do this, what information you are seeking.
  2. Choose an appointment length (the time spent communicating with the Elders) – a single question of 15min, .5hr, 1hr or 1.5hr

  3. Choose whether you would like a phone appointment – or to receive the reading through email.
    Note: many people have a phone session the first time they receive an Elder’s reading and in following times have no phone session.
  4. Send your request through our contact section.
  5. As your request is received – you will be provided a date and time for a phone appointment, or a date you will receive your reading through email.
  6. Once your appointment is affirmed you must send your questions/concerns by the date/time in your affirmation. If not received, your appointment will not occur.
What Information can I request?

Information people request in Elders Readings includes:

  • Questions about the current state of their life
  • Questions about where to go, what to do, what to choose
  • Questions about challenges experiencing
  • Information about people, repeated experiences in their life
  • An open general teaching that will best suit them for this time in their life


Please note: The Elders will not go looking into another person’s life. This is not considered integrity filled, ethical practice. Our lineage of teachings is such that you do not go where you do not have permission, simply because you have the ability to go there. If you are asking about someone else or a relationship you are experiencing – they will speak to you about your relation with that person, from your perspective – what you need to understand about yourself, and the learning opportunity that is presenting to you.

If you choose to have a phone appointment, you will pay for the time of the reading you request and time for the phone appointment. The reading will be accomplished the day before your phone appointment.

What is your training?

My informal communication with the world around me began quite naturally as a young child. Informal training and exploration occurred in my early twenties and by my mid-twenties I began my formal training in communicating with the world around me. I have both western style intuition training and Indigenous communication (intuition) training.

When I was very young – I didn’t realize that people didn’t communicate with all other people in the world (animals, plants, etc). I also didn’t realize that people didn’t see or communicate with loved ones on the other side (ghosts). And I also didn’t realize that people didn’t see or communicate with Jesus, Mary, Joseph, all the angels and God when in Church, and they didn’t know they were always everywhere outside of Church. I had some very uncomfortable experiences as I found out that people didn’t see or communicate with the world around them … and … slowly, I chose to turn the volume down and shut out what I could see/feel and communicate with.

Other sections of the website will tell you information about my Intuition and communication training so I won’t repeat this here. What I will share is that I have never been without one or more Spiritual Elder by my side during my life – even in the darkest moments, where I felt alone.
As well, I have had wonderful moments with physical world people I consider Elders – from all walks of life and all species. In each situation a conversation or life experience has led to significant wisdom shared that, when integrated into my daily life, fundamentally changed and benefitted my life.

I also always have had a group of my Ancestors guiding me in all aspects of therapy and medicine traditions I have trained in – including when I have had physical world Elders and teachers/mentors present. These Ancestors would help me understand our lineage teachings in relation to the teachings being shared with me.
A poignant impact of this occurred when I had the privilege and honor to have a series of discussions with Elina Helander, Sami Elder. You see – I was born on a distant land, separate from the land and physical world people, language, culture and traditions of my paternal blood lineage. Elina was raised on and lived on Samiland, in Finland. Her life included oral teachings from both her Mother and her Father. My teachings included oral teachings from my spirit Ancestors. We discovered our teachings were similar … specific and adapted to the land we were living on and the people we served. There were times where we were called to the same actions ‘thousands of miles apart’.
When it was time for me to provide this sharing of wisdom with others, my Ancestors, my Elders informed me this would be through both my counselling services and through providing readings to others. I would offer readings from them, referring to the collective as ‘the Elders’. This directive was given to me early on my path…and so…this is offered to you.

Investment and Options

Single question with email response $50 (+HST in Canada)
All other times are offered for $150/hour (+HST in Canada)

Recognizing Disparity
I serve people of all ages, all cultures, traditions and religions. I provide a BIPOC friendly and LGBTQIA+ friendly environment.

In recognition of social and economic disparity, I offer co-creative payment plans for people in need. This allows people to participate in the services when they need the services, without waiting until they have money. Feel free to contact me for more information.