About Sandi

Sandi arrives before you with many years of experience in health and wellness. Her journey of studying the human form began at a young age when she first started training for sport and continued when her training turned vocational. Sandi has been restoring balance, (‘healing’) for over 35 years. She is passionate about being the best she can be in service to all people, as well as inspiring people to reach for their full and true potential.
Sandi is a multidisciplinary practitioner with a background in: Psychology and Kinesiology Jt Hon BSc, specializing in neurobehavioral studies; Indigenous and Integrative Medicine; NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) Master Practitioner; Cognitive Therapy; Athletic Therapy; Colon Hydrotherapy; Channelling and Intuition; Medical Intuition, Osteopathic Manual Therapy – or – Classical Osteopathy; AND Kundalini Yoga as well as many complementary modalities.
She also has unique life experience. When young, she had several concussions, resulting in a significant brain injury – leaving her with great difficulty with scholastics; learning, reading and demonstrating comprehension through standardized tests used at the time. At the time, few studies had been conducted on the cumulative effects of concussions, so the symptoms were not immediately connected to the injuries. Instead of giving up, Sandi left school for a few months to attend to the immediate task of recovering from the trauma at hand. A few months later, Sandi returned to complete her degree specializing in neurobehavioral work.
As her journey evolved, Sandi successfully remediated experiences of trauma and chronic illness (TBI, HBP, myoclonic epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia). Sandi’s path turned into one of deep introspection when in 2010, Sandi died of full organ failure.
Returning to a severely damaged body, Sandi now realized how much we take for granted in our daily lives. It was at this point in time where she applied everything she had learned in order to move toward living a fully functional life. It would take almost 9 years. Following the organ failure, Sandi lived with chronic pain and complications. Pain was constant for 5 years, and intermittent for 2 years before all tissue was regenerated. Another 2 years passed building strength and restoring full vital health.

“…a whole new world opened itself up for me; I was empowered by the realization that I had the ability to heal…”
– JC, Client